Ravenna 2019 - Cescor a OMC

                         OMC3 1

 OMC 2019 has now reached its 14th edition, the conference is dedicated to the Mediterranean Offshore sector; it is held in Ravenna, Italy, and it always hosts thousands of visitors.

  “Assessment of impact of installation works on the cathodic protection status of an offshore platform though FEM modellingis the title for the paper written by A. Msallem, A. Nasef, B. Bazzoni, P. Marcassoli and presented by Eng. Ahmed Msallem, an expert of material corrosion.

OMC 2019, with more than 1200 delegates and a 650 exhibitors, proposed a rich program full of technical competencies and innovation, within which Cescor presented its services; cathodic protection, offshore inspections, CP retrofit, modelling.

Thanking everyone who has participated, Cescor will take part, during this year, to many events on which we will updated you in the next weeks. 



Cescor Srl - Ingegneria della corrosione e protezione catodica.


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