The commitment of CESCOR to asset integrity lies within a sustainability frame concerning respect for the environment and for all those aspects regarding health and safety issues. Corrosion engineering, in fact, plays a wide-ranging role, which goes beyond the economics, since integrity and durability of the assets work in line with respect for the environment, safety of people and saving of energy. This objective is pursued by extending the asset’s life cycle within a safe framework, whereby the need for replacement of high-energy content metals is limited or avoided.

Priority is given to environment and safety issues in all engineering and design activities in the fields of corrosion control and cathodic protection. In this regard, all of CESCOR specialists are encouraged to comply with the following policy:

  • Continuous improvement of the Company expertise in the area of prevention of risks for the environment and people.
  • Selection of technologies, solutions and materials that minimize energy and materials consumption and reduce the impact on the environment.
  • Preference in selecting green products for corrosion control (inhibitors, biocide, etc.).
  • Respect of applicable environmental and safety legislation and regulations.
The environmental and safety policy of CESCOR applies to all the activities directly performed by the Company, including engineering and site surveys. Awareness of safety is achieved through training, communication, and definition of goals and standards appropriate to CESCOR operations undertaken on behalf of our clients.
Cescor Srl - Ingegneria della corrosione e protezione catodica.


Cescor Srl
Via Maniago 12
20134 MILANO (Italy)
Tel +39 02 26412538
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